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77 products

Showing 49 - 77 of 77 products

Showing 49 - 77 of 77 products
Anhänger rund mit Amethyst - Mana Kendra GmbHAnhänger rund mit Amethyst - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 32.90
pendant round with amethystGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Anhänger Baum des Lebens mit Amethyst - Mana Kendra GmbHAnhänger Baum des Lebens mit Amethyst - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 41.00
Tree of Life Pendant with AmethystGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Rudraksha - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Rudraksha - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 36.00
Mala RudrakshaGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Rosenholz & Pinkopal - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Rosenholz & Pinkopal - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 56.00
Mala Necklace Rosewood & Pink OpalGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Rosenholz & Sonnenstein - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Rosenholz & Sonnenstein - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 45.00
Mala Rosewood & SunstoneGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Ebenholz & Silber - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Ebenholz & Silber - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 65.00
Mala Necklace Ebony & SilverGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Sandelholz & Apatit - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Sandelholz & Apatit - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 60.00
Mala Sandalwood & ApatiteGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Tigerauge - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Tigerauge - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 52.00
Mala Tiger EyeGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Lapislazuli - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Lapislazuli - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 76.00
Mala lapis lazuliGangaPrem In stock, 2 units
Mala Karneol - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Karneol - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 49.00
Mala CarnelianGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Amethyst - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Amethyst - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 72.70
healing stone Mala AmethystGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Apatit - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Apatit - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 108.00
Mala Necklace ApatiteGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala tibetischer Türkis - Mana Kendra GmbHMala tibetischer Türkis - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 54.00
Mala Tibetan turquoiseGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala afrikanischer Türkis - Mana Kendra GmbHMala afrikanischer Türkis - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 60.00
Mala African turquoiseGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Tulsi - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Tulsi - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 39.00
Mala TulsiGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Mala Sonnenstein - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Sonnenstein - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 98.00
Mala SonnensteinGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Anhänger blauer Fluorit - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 48.00
Blue fluorite pendantGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Anhänger Amethyst - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 32.00
Amethyst pendantGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Anhänger grüner Amethyst - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 32.00
Green amethyst pendantGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Anhänger Auralit - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 55.00
Auralite pendantGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Anhänger Ring mit 7 Chakra - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 64.00
Pendant ring with 7 chakraGangaPrem In stock
Anhänger OM mit blauem Topaz - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 32.00
OM pendant with blue topazGangaPrem Only 1 unit left
Anhänger Super Seven - Mana Kendra GmbHAnhänger Super Seven - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 82.00
Trailer Super SevenGangaPrem Only 1 unit left

Not on stock for the moment

Mala Sandelholz & Malachit - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Sandelholz & Malachit - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 35.00
Mala Sandalwood & MalachiteGangaPrem Sold out
Mala Rosenquarz - Mana Kendra GmbHMala Rosenquarz - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 60.00
Mala rose quartzGangaPrem Sold out
Anhänger Rosenquarz matt - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 32.00
Pendant rose quartz mattGangaPrem Sold out
Anhänger Lotus mit Granat - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 45.00
Lotus pendant with garnetGangaPrem Sold out
Anhänger Spirale mit Rosenquarz - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 56.00
Pendant spiral with rose quartzGangaPrem Sold out
Mala kurz Sandelholz mit Verschluss - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 19.50
Mala short sandalwood with claspGangaPrem Sold out

Recently viewed

Necklace –Spiritual Elegance for Your Path

Jewelry that connects body, mind and soul

Our necklace collection is a tribute to the spiritual power and beauty of the yoga lifestyle. Each pendant, necklace and mala bracelet is more than just a piece of jewelry - it is a symbol of mindfulness, inner balance and the connection to your spiritual journey.

What makes our collection special

Diversity and Meaning

  • Mala necklaces:Traditionally crafted prayer beads with 108 beads, ideal for meditation and mantra practice.
  • Chakra pendants:Symbols for the seven energy centers that help you balance your energy.
  • Flower of Life:The powerful geometric pattern that represents protection, harmony and connection to the universe.
  • Silver chains with spiritual symbols:Fine necklaces with pendants such as OM, lotus flowers or yantras – perfect for everyday life and yoga practice.

Materials with Soul

Our jewelry is made from high-quality materials, including:

  • Precious gemstones such as amethyst, rose quartz, tiger eye and lapis lazuli
  • Silver, gold-plated silver and sustainable materials
  • Hand-knotted ribbons and pearl necklaces

Jewelry that accompanies you

Each piece is designed to accompany you on your journey - be it on the yoga mat, in everyday life or during special spiritual rituals. Our necklaces serve as a reminder of your intentions, as a protective amulet or as a source of energy for your spiritual practice.

your personal piece of jewelry

Our collection appeals not only to yogis, but to everyone who lives consciously and is looking for a piece of jewelry that combines beauty, meaning and energy. Discover jewelry that not only adorns the body, but also touches the spirit.

Available at the Mana Shop Bern.