Was sind Rauchnächte und wozu?

The Rauhnächte, also called "Raunächte" or "Smoke Nights", are a traditional time between Christmas and Epiphany (December 24th to January 6th). They consist of 12 nights that symbolize the twelve months of the coming year. The exact number and start of the Rauhnächte can vary regionally.

Origin and meaning:

The Rauhnächte have their origins in pre-Christian customs and were later combined with Christian traditions. The term "Rauhnächte" is traced back to various origins:

  • "Smoke" : From fumigating houses and stables for purification and protection from evil spirits.
  • "Rough" : From the furry garments or the "rough" character of the winter time.

During this mystical time, people believed that the boundary between the visible and invisible world was particularly permeable. This made the Rauhnächte a time for rituals, reflection, oracles and protective actions.

Practices and rituals:

  1. Smoking : Houses, stables and people are smoked with herbs such as sage, mugwort or frankincense to drive away negative energies and ask for protection for the coming year.

  2. Oracle : Many people use these nights to make predictions for the new year based on dreams or rituals. Each night represents a month of the year.

  3. Introspection and reflection : The Rauhnächte are considered a time of silence, letting go and reorientation. It is recommended to keep a diary or think about wishes and goals for the new year.

  4. Purification : In addition to burning incense, symbolic purification rituals are often performed, such as tidying up and sorting out objects.

  5. Gratitude and farewell : Farewell to the old and gratitude for the past are the focus. This is often combined with small fire rituals.

Why do you do that?

The Rauhnächte primarily serve as a time of cleansing, clarification and spiritual preparation for the new year. They help to let go of the past, find inner peace and focus on what is to come. At the same time, they offer an opportunity to connect with nature, spirituality and one's own inner processes.

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